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The Church of England has criticised a new report suggesting that the pastoral and spiritual needs of patients who identify as having no religion are not being met because almost all health-care chaplains in the UK are Christian.
An HM Revenue and Customs investigation into Ezer V'Hatzalah is at "an early stage". According to its 2018 accounts, the trustees became aware of "weaknesses in their accounting and internal control procedures and the potential for the misallocation of funds".
The diocese of Lincoln — the wealthiest in the Church of England, with the lowest level of giving — has warned that it cannot continue to sell its assets to balance the books.
Called chancel repair liability, it's an ancient law that means homeowners living within the parishes of churches built before 1536 can be held liable for costs - and although claims are rare they can be devastating.
''But this engagement is frustrated when popular schools are oversubscribed and it is schools that choose pupils – often by proximity, sometimes by faith criteria – rather than the other way around.'
'Supported by the Indian government and its far-right ruling party, the BJP, the Conservatives have exploited a sharp rise in Hindu nationalism within the British Indian community to play Hindu, Sikh, Jain and Muslim communities off against one another.'
The Legion of Christ religious order is promising accountability and transparency following damaging new revelations of sex abuse and cover-up that have undermined its credibility, a decade after revelations of its pedophile founder disgraced the order.
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