Good Morning,

I wanted to make sure you saw Joe's email below. 

Joe has been working tirelessly to raise the funds we need this quarter. Please chip in whatever you can afford so we can flip this seat RED and send a real American patriot to Congress!

Please donate today at

Anything helps.

Thank you,

Erin Van Natta

Field Organizer 

Joe Kent for Congress


---------- Forwarded message ----------

From: Joe Kent 
Sent: Saturday, September 16, 2023 4:06 PM
Subject: The truth about Marie's climate vote.

Dear Patriot, 

Marie continues to lie about her voting record. She’s already lied about gun rights, and now she is lying about her vote for Biden’s climate agenda.

She voted to stop the Preserving Choice in Vehicle Purchases Act from going to the floor. She supports the Biden administration forcing Americans to transition to electric vehicles while shipping 500,000 jobs to China.

If you believe we need to send a conservative Republican to Congress, please help me get to Washington by contributing to my campaign at

That’s not all - she signed a letter advocating for the transition of rural communities to electric vehicles. She is fully on board with the Left’s Green New Deal climate agenda which will deprive Americans of their choice in transportation and make us fully dependent on China.

Help me with a donation today at

Marie continues to lie about her voting record because she knows it is not aligned with the voters of Washington's Third District.

Please help me expose Marie’s voting record by donating today at You can also opt to make it a recurring contribution by clicking the “Make this Monthly” button.

I will fight against the Democrat’s climate agenda and our dependence on China. 

You can help get a conservative Republican into Congress by donating today at

Will you please help me meet our goal so we can send a common-sense conservative to Congress?


Joe Kent

PS - Turn your anger about Marie’s radical voting record into action by donating. Help me win so I can fight the climate agenda by donating today at

                               Paid for by the Joe Kent Victory Fund                     

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