No images? Click here John, A father of five, Jude* was determined to build a secure and stable life in Utah for himself and his family. But like many recovering from addiction, or reentering the workforce after incarceration, Jude ran into towering structural barriers that blocked him from building a successful life. And many others are in Jude’s position, caught in the maw of the courts and carceral systems, buried under medical debt related to disability or addiction, and with limited access to professional assistance or housing connections. Jude eventually found help through the AAA Fair Credit Foundation which helped him catch up on his savings. Programs like these exist because our economy is not designed to work for everyone — that’s why Prosperity Now supports and uplifts organizations like the AAA Fair Credit Foundation, and why your support today is so important. You’ll join a movement addressing the huge wealth divide between White and Black/Brown citizens in this country by helping to put promising policy ideas for a fairer economy into lawbooks across the nation. And as we work on changing policy, we’re also building programs that give people hope in the toughest circumstances. Jude found Flourish Bakery, a social enterprise that offers job opportunities to people like him. Jude worked hard, establishing a savings fund in an unaffordable rental housing market. By working with the AAA Fair Credit Foundation’s saving and financial counseling programs, he built his emergency savings fund to aid his family. Sincerely, Prosperity Now P.S. — Want to provide continuous and steady support to fund programs that ensure that every person, family, and community has the power to build sustainable wealth and prosperity? Become a monthly donor today! *Jude is a pseudonym that has been assigned to the subject of our story in order to protect his privacy. |