From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject This is honestly ridiculous (and dangerous)
Date September 16, 2023 10:31 PM
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Hey friend, it’s Ruben. I’ll cut right to the chase here.

Last week, Kari Lake called on the House GOP to use some secret powers they do not actually have to make Trump president again.

'Kari Lake says of House Republicans trying to impeach Biden, they should just decertify the 2020 election and reinstate Trump to the presidency now'

This is honestly ridiculous.

But the worst part is this: She’s dead serious. She means every word of it. And she’ll get other people to believe it, too.

That’s extremely dangerous, because it’s the EXACT same rhetoric that led to January 6th in the first place. Left unchecked, it could lead to worse violence in the future.

For this and for so many other reasons we have to keep her out of the Senate.

And to do that, I need to ask for your help.

If we’re going to beat Kari Lake, I need you to chip in donate. Donate today because Kari Lake is dangerous. Donate because this race is going to be one of the most expensive in the country in 2024, and we need every dollar we can get to win.

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