Dear John

I am delighted to be confirmed as National’s nominated candidate this year and will continue to work hard on the issues that matter to the communities that make up the Taupō electorate.

My focus for the remainder of the term remains on advocating for better infrastructure in our region.  While we saw good progress with significant roading projects on SH1, more work is needed on the Cambridge to Piarere and Taupō to Turangi stretches of road to ensure they are fit for purpose and safe.

Our local communities are growing so we need to ensure sound school infrastructure so that our children can receive the quality education that they deserve.

It is important therefore that school buildings projects in the electorate remain on track and while there has been good progress of the work started by National when we were in Government, some local schools are still experiencing delays in getting building work completed.  We must maintain the pressure on the Government to make sure those projects do not stall.

Other areas of infrastructure focus for me include the Taupō Airport.  After years of sustained advocacy, I was pleased to see confirmation of Government funding for the Airport, but am concerned at how long it will be before the much needed upgrade is complete.

We also need to get it right in housing infrastructure and I am actively participating in local housing groups to ensure a suitable mix of housing in our electorate and available to everyone that needs a home.

I further remain focussed on opportunities for people to be in work and am aware of pressures on household budgets at a time when families are doing it tough under the current Government’s policies.

I will continue to work hard to represent you in Wellington and am actively creating opportunities for people to meet me and share their views through regular constituent clinics, Forums and Coffee Catch ups.   I hope to see you at one of those soon.

I thank you for your strong show of support to date.


Hon Louise Upston

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