Dear John,

The disregard for US immigration law - perpetrated by the Biden regime - is impeachable. 

They are breaking the law every day. And now we have on tape, his regime telling illegals who have broken the law and allowed in...

"Go ahead, do whatever you want". 


This is Sandy Smith, and I believe Biden and his incompetent regime should be impeached for the mess at the border!
Even awful AOC is getting protested.... IN NEW YORK CITY. Over the Dems' open borders. 
But here's the impeachable offense. Letting illegals in and then telling them to go wherever. 

That is against American law sir!
STOP the Biden Invasion!
So, as it turns out, you can't just unilaterally break US immigration law. 

The Biden Invasion is illegal. And for his lawbreaking, Biden and his incompetent regime deserve impeachment. 

Impeach Joe Biden! Join me!

IMPORTANT NOTE! Ballots drop January 4th for absentee and election day is March 5th. Ours is one of the earliest elections of the cycle. We need cash now! We STILL need:

$50k for our mail program.
$50k for radio ads.
$50k for TV ads.
$25k for digital ads.
$15k for our ground game.
$5k for signs and printed materials.

Time is ticking! Thank you- and let's put America First!
Sandy Smith
Republican for Congress, North Carolina
Conservative America First Patriot
Entrepreneur & Military mom
P.S. This is our chance! Can you help me win?

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