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Thank you so much for your continued support of TTP. Restoring True Texan values is a long fight, and we are so honored to have you on board.

As you may have already heard, the Texas Senate just acquitted Ken Paxton of all charges in his impeachment trial!

This is a huge win. The Biden-aligned prosecutors believed they could sack the most conservative Attorney General in the country. Texans just proved them dead wrong. This is what’s possible when we the people make our voices heard!

True Texas Project has been calling out opposition to the impeachment from the beginning! Our statewide True Texan army was built for such a time as this, and we showed up stronger than any other grassroots group in the state. 

TTP’s Citizen Activists from various parts of the state were there for the start of the trial on Sept 5th, delivering letters to the Senators asking for dismissal. We also dedicated regular social media posts, circulated petitions, did podcast interviews, encouraged our supporters to call, write, or email Senators - all in opposition to the impeachment process.

The liberal establishment can’t stand conservatives being in power. That’s why they’re frantically trying to turn Texas blue! Unfortunately for them, True Texans are here to stay.

Conservative leadership is under fire. Crooks in Washington are determined to undermine your vote and push the people out of government. That’s why we need your help!

Can you chip in $100, $25, or even just $10 today to resist the left’s war on Texas values?

The attempted removal of Ken Paxton just goes to show how desperate the establishment swamp is. They will stop at nothing to tear down our freedom! Can you give $25 (or any amount!) to advance our values in Texas?

Thank you again for your generous support of our mission. It reassures me to see so many patriots committed to making a difference. Despite challenges and setbacks, liberty has a strong future in Texas.

Let’s make sure that future is bright for generations to come!

For Texas,
Julie McCarty
True Texas Project CEO

P.S. Ken Paxton was acquitted! However, we can expect more attacks in the future. Can you give just $25 to hold the line and defend conservative values in Texas?

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