Dear Friend,
If there’s one thing that could be called a “central issue” for this campaign, it’s universal healthcare as a human right.
The US ranks 84th in the world when it comes to affordability and accessibility of healthcare. For the wealthiest country in the world, that’s pitiful.
California has always been thought of as a super liberal state. But the 5th-largest economy in the world has long struggled to pass guaranteed healthcare, usually referred to as CalCare, for its own residents.
The last time CalCare was on the floor, in Assembly Bill 1314, Democrats had a supermajority in the legislature and let the bill die without a vote.
I want to know exactly who these Democrats are that were not going to support CalCare. It’s frustrating that so-called progressive Democrats within the state assembly didn’t expose them themselves, nor did they fight to have their colleagues bring this to the floor and vote yes on Universal healthcare in California.
How can we have a functioning democratic system if the true opinions and priorities of our representatives are kept hidden from us?
70% of Californians support state-sponsored universal healthcare. The fact that we couldn’t even get a simple majority of our representatives to vote for the bill speaks to the cowardice of so many of our elected politicians—many of them being Democrats in name only.
I’m not running for State Assembly, but from Congress I would have the leverage to lobby our legislature to make actionable progress toward single-payer healthcare. We would finally force a vote on CalCare and make elected officials’ stances clear.
Our campaign is surging, and we’re building up all the momentum we can before our quarterly fundraising deadline at the end of the month.
Are you with us?