From Team Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject We’re very grateful
Date September 16, 2023 4:08 PM
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It was a tough week.

We pushed pretty hard to get to our mid-month goal yesterday, the last big milestone before we hit our official FEC deadline on September 30th.

And thanks to you, we hit our goal.

A lot of people are still on the fence about this race. But when our numbers go public next month we’re going to show that this is one of the strongest campaigns in the country.

When they see what we’ve raised, the amount of donations we received, and the number of donors and supporters that are behind Ruben, they won’t be able to ignore us.

That is all because of you. So thank you again.

We just have one thing to ask you today:

Add your name to the thousands of others who have personally endorsed Ruben Gallego’s campaign this year. It might seem like a small act, but when we all come together it sends a loud message.

ADD YOUR NAME: [link removed]

Very grateful for you.

Team Gallego

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