Takoma Park's vacant hospital campus could become new homes...one day
Here's your roundup of this week's must-read posts: A hospital may be turned into homes in Takoma Park; rising summer temperatures are throwing Amtrak trips off track; to reach the region's climate goals, we need to hit one million Metro rides per day -- and that means enhancing service; and how to get kids to school by bus -- a walking bus, that is. |
Carter Dougherty (Guest Contributor) • September 11, 2023

Four years ago, Takoma Park’s Washington Adventist Hospital moved away, leaving vacant buildings and a 15-acre site in its wake. Montgomery County planners soon began examining ways to bring new homes, shops, and usable green space. And soon enough a handful of neighbors in the famously lefty town are trying to block it by making some pretty wild claims.
David Andrews (Guest Contributor) • September 12, 2023

Extreme weather frequently affected train speed on the East Coast this year, and it’s not the only way climate change is impacting rail travel.
Nick Sementelli (Board of Directors) • September 14, 2023

Achieving the targeted one million Metrorail trips per day will require a new era of operational and service enhancements. This is part 8 in a series about how DC can achieve its Vision Zero and climate goals, with parts 7 - 9 highlighting the role of our regional transit rail system, Metrorail, in achieving those goals.
Caitlin Rogger (Deputy Executive Director) • September 13, 2023

When kids walk to school, they benefit from the physical exercise as well as interaction with their community. One way to make it easier for kids to walk to school safely is a walking school bus.