Biden Administration's Dangerous, Failed, Disastrous Iran Policy
by Majid Rafizadeh • September 16, 2023 at 5:00 am
[T]he US, instead of stopping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, is bribing the mullahs not to go to 90% enrichment [the level needed for a nuclear bomb], at least on the Biden administration's watch, especially ahead of the November 2024 US presidential election.
Meanwhile, Iran laughably keeps claiming that it is not even seeking a nuclear bomb.
After that, the Biden administration looked the other way during the Islamic Republic's malign actions in the region, such as smuggling weapons, and shipping oil to Syria and Hezbollah in direct violation of US sanctions, at the same time that Iran was busy increasing its influence in America's backyard.
Thanks to the Biden administration, Iran's oil exports have also started booming and have now surged more than two million barrels a day, the most since 2018 , and they are selling it at levels close to the pre-sanctions era, to countries such as China, which desperately needs it – while the Biden administration suspended new oil and gas leases on US public lands and waters.
The Biden administration also looked away when the Iranian regime killed more than 300 people, including 40 children, in the recent protests.
As if these appeasements were not enough, the Biden Administration recently reached a deal with the Iranian regime behind closed doors on August 10, in which the United States agreed to pay $6 billion dollars and release a handful of Iranian nationals who are serving prison sentences in the US, in exchange for the release of five Iranian-Americans imprisoned in Iran -- more than a billion dollars per person -- with still more payments apparently on the way.

There seems to be nothing that the Biden administration will not do to appease the ruling mullahs of Iran and their regime, called only a few years ago by the US Department of State the "top state sponsor of terrorism." Since the Biden administration assumed office, the more it has been appeasing the Iranian regime financially and politically, the more the mullahs, instead of taking reciprocal steps, have become empowered and emboldened. Iran is now holding uranium enrichment at 60% purity, around 10 days away from raising it to the nuclear threshold level of 90%.
In short, the US, instead of stopping Iran from acquiring nuclear weapons, is bribing the mullahs not to go to 90% enrichment, at least on the Biden administration's watch, especially ahead of the November 2024 US presidential election.
Meanwhile, Iran laughably keeps claiming that it is not even seeking a nuclear bomb.