Paid for by Arizona Democrats

team — i had to bump this in your inbox to let you know, we’re less than $200 away from our flash goal. can we count on you to pitch in anything right now before our deadline expires in a few hours?

here’s a direct link to pitch in:[email protected]

here’s a direct link to pitch in $200 to complete the goal:

thank you!

benjamin nelson

finance director, arizona democratic party

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Team Finance (via <[email protected]>
Date: Fri, Sept 15, 2023
Subject: First/Team, help us close this gap
To: Email/You

We’ll be upfront here — with 15 days left until our quarterly deadline, our grassroots contributions aren’t quite where we’d like them to be. That’s why we’ve set a flash goal to close our $7,890 gap this afternoon. 

Help us get back on track by chipping in $1.50 (or whatever works best for your budget) right now!

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

By all accounts, next year’s Senate race will be a showdown and the MAGA movement is already fighting over who will lead their side of the ticket. 

We have to mobilize communities in every county to:

✅Stand up to their extremism 

✅Protect our Senate majority and our democracy

✅Send President Biden and Vice President Harris back to finish the job

✅Flip the state legislature blue

It’s gonna take a grassroots movement that is stronger than the wealthy and well-funded campaigns on the right to protect Arizonans way of life. 

Can we count on you to pitch in a dime for every county and help us close the gap before tonight?

DONATE $1.50

We appreciate your support!

Finance Team

Arizona Democratic Party