This is big, John! After Sandra emailed earlier, Emerge community members like you reached out to show their support. Now, thanks to those donations, we’re getting closer to our quarterly goal. We just need to raise $2,350 more before our mid-month deadline!

We can’t afford to slow down now, John. We need our full community chipping in so Emerge can ramp up our recruitment efforts and ensure that bold Democratic women can win up and down the ballot in 2024. Our proven recruiting and training programs will make our democracy stronger through diverse representation, but we have to build up our resources NOW. 

There’s still time to give before our mid-month deadline and help keep our powerhouse recruitment and training programs on track. Will you give $5 or more to Emerge now to make the most of this critical recruitment season to reach, train, and empower MORE Democratic women to run for office and win?

Thank you so much for your support,

Team Emerge

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Sandra Bishop, via Team Emerge
Date: Fri, Sep 15, 2023
Subject: We’ve got big things coming up, John