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Attorney General Bob Ferguson is really celebrating the endorsement he has received from Governor Jay Inslee. But that should come as no surprise, since if Ferguson wins, it will essentially be a fourth term for Inslee.
Laughably, Gov. Inslee commended Ferguson for "hold[ing] powerful interests accountable and defend[ing] our core freedoms" as reasons to endorse him.  He must be hoping the people of Washington have no memory of AG Ferguson's complete failure to act (or even speak up) while Inslee exercised dictator-like authority for a record 975 days under the guise of “emergency powers.”
Shift WA is actively working to expose the truth about Jay Inslee, Bob Ferguson, and acutally hold those in power accountable. But we need your help. Will you consider contributing $100, $50, or even $25 today?
Please consider donating to support Shift WA's efforts to ensure voters across our state learn the reality about Bob Ferguson’s plans for Jay Inslee’s 4th term.
Thank you,
The Shift WA team

Begin forwarded message:

Bob Ferguson is running to continue the far-Left policies of what amounts to Jay Inslee's fourth term as governor.
Shift Washington

Attorney General Bob Ferguson is currently celebrating an endorsement from Governor Jay Inslee. This might not come as a surprise given that so far Ferguson is running essentially a campaign for Inslee's fourth term as governor. It's clear that the current AG will continue Inslee's extreme environmental and tax-raising policies in Olympia if voters give him the chance.

This week, candidate Ferguson shared a tweet featuring a quote from Governor Inslee that he will “hold powerful interests accountable and defend our core freedoms.” But, as well all know, actions speak louder than words. And the reality of Ferguson’s actions tells us that nothing can be further from the truth.

The truth is that Ferguson did absolutely nothing to hold the “powerful accountable” or defend our freedoms” during Inslee's 975-day-long exercise of unchecked executive powers. While Inslee acted with near-dictatorial authority, the AG remained silent, failing to hold him accountable during Inslee’s extended unconstitutional power grab.

However, it seems that Ferguson's silence has earned him Inslee's endorsement, bringing him one step closer to his dream of becoming Inslee's successor. It's hard to fathom the negative consequences of – effectively – a 4th term for Inslee. And that’s why we need to heighten awareness of these dangers before it’s too late.

Shift WA is dedicated to exposing the truth and actually holding those in power accountable. With your contribution of $100, $50, or even $25, we can continue to expose Ferguson – and Inslee - for their hypocrisy and ensure voters across our state hear about it.

We hope you will consider making a donation today and join us in our mission to highlight the Ferguson/Inslee disaster before it’s too late.

Thank you,

The Shift WA Team