You bought dog and cat meat. Don’t do it again.
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You are receiving this email because you took action in support of one or more of White Coat Waste Project's campaigns to end wasteful government animal experiments. If you no longer believe in ending taxpayer-funded animal cruelty, you can click here to unsubscribe.

Taxpayer, see below. It's VERY URGENT. 

Congress is setting agency budgets right now. 

Add your name to ensure not one more dime is shipped to WET MARKETS in China or elsewhere to buy dog and cat meat for animal experiments. 

Tanner Wilson

Creative Director
White Coat Waste Project


P.S. We must gather 30,000 more signatures before midnight tonight, or Congress won't prioritize this. DO NOT WAIT! 

Sign The Petition >>

Dear Taxpayer,

It’s been a long time since I’ve cried. Working at the White Coat Waste Project (WCW)—being exposed daily to horrific government animal abuse—makes you numb like that after a while.

But I cried writing this email. This is a new level of evil.

HORRIFIC SCANDAL: We’ve caught government white coats snatching up their innocent lab victims from meat markets in China and other countries like Colombia, Brazil, Vietnam, and Ethiopia!

SIGN/SHARE: Sign our new petition demanding Congress introduce legislation that will ensure our tax dollars are never wasted this way again!

Sign The Petition >>

Taxpayer, according to our research, white coats at the Dept. of Agriculture (USDA) snatched up at least 1,514 “unwanted” dogs and cats from countries all over the world.

Some were household pets. Some were working animals. Some were strays. And many of them were likely boiled or lit on fire ALIVE at Asian meat markets.

All of them were purchased by government white coats with OUR tax dollars. And all of them deserved better:

  • 58 pet cats were bought from families in Brazil.
  • 42 dogs were purchased from farms around Vietnam.
  • 170 “unwanted” cats and 309 abandoned pet dogs were rounded up in Colombia.
  • 76 cats were purchased by USDA bureaucrats at wet markets and farms in China.
  • 36 stray cats were rounded up in Ethiopia.
  • 120 "unclaimed" dogs were bought in Brazil.

Sign The Petition >>

Taxpayer, every single one of these innocent, terrified puppies and kittens was KILLED by USDA’s sick experimenters.

Then, their TONGUES, BRAINS, HEARTS, and other BODY PARTS were transported back to the USDA’s lab in Beltsville, Maryland—sometimes in the experimenters’ PERSONAL LUGGAGE—and fed to over 3,000 kittens.

And yes, Taxpayer, all those kittens were slaughtered and incinerated, too.

All of this was—and still remains—completely legal. And it’s a matter of time until it happens again (if it isn’t already.)

Please join us in fighting this egregious misuse of our tax dollars by adding your name to our new taxpayer petition. Demand Congress pass legislation to make it ILLEGAL for government laboratories to spend another American penny to slaughter dogs and cats abroad!

Sign The Petition >>

Taxpayer, the fact that our tax dollars are WASTED to encourage the torture of innocent animals overseas in meat markets and beyond makes me physically ill.

My stomach is in knots. But I feel better knowing I have the support of thousands of taxpayers like you to bring this issue to the forefront of Congress’ agenda.

Thank you in advance for your advocacy,

Mackie Burr

Vice President
White Coat Waste Project


P.S. After you add your name, please share this petition with 10 people in your life. Friends, family, coworkers, pet owners—ANYONE THAT WILL LISTEN!

Taxpayers shouldn't be forced to pay $20 billion+ for wasteful government animal experiments.

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The White Coat Waste Project, INC.
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