Workers are rising up, demanding fair pay with benefits. And unions play a critical role in ensuring workers get a seat at the bargaining table.
With their contract expiring at midnight last night, 150,000 UAW workers have gone on strike. We need to have their backs.
Autoworkers made major concessions over the years to keep automakers afloat during the 2008 recession and the pandemic. They gave up Cost of Living Adjustments (COLAs) that ensure wages keep pace with inflation. They accepted a two-tiered wage system, with the majority of autoworkers now working for lower wages than many of their peers while performing the same jobs.
In the meantime, the auto industry is stronger than ever. Between 2013 and 2022 Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis brought in a combined $250 billion in profits. And this year they’re projected to add another $32 billion in profits.1
But, instead of rewarding workers for helping generate these incredible profits, the Big Three automakers have instead enriched their CEOs and shareholders with CEOs seeing their pay jump by 40% and the corporations showering wealthy investors with billions of dollars in dividend payments and stock buybacks to artificially inflate the value of their stock.2
Let’s show UAW workers that we have their backs as they demand fair pay and benefits at a time of incredible corporate profits. Click here to send a message directly to the CEOs of Ford, GM, and Stellantis and urge them to immediately meet workers’ demands.
In the past, UAW contracts have set the standard for manufacturing wages and benefits for blue-collar workers nationwide. But, today, even as the Big Three raked in billions in profits, workers are making $10 an hour LESS than they did in 2007, when adjusting for inflation.
The UAW workers demands are simple:
ELIMINATE TIERS―Two-tier wages are a practice of newer workers getting paid much less than veteran workers. The Teamsters ended tiers at UPS. Let’s end tiers at the Big Three auto manufacturers.
SUBSTANTIAL WAGE INCREASES―The Big Three automaker CEOs saw their pay spike 40% on average over the last four years. Workers are worthy of similar pay increases and more!
RESTORE COLA―It’s Cost of Living Adjustments (COLA) that made sure working-class communities thrived for decades. Autoworkers’ wages have not been keeping pace with inflation, and taking that away hammered workers and communities. COLAs must be restored.
DEFINED BENEFIT PENSION FOR ALL WORKERS―All workers deserve the retirement security that UAW members had for generations.
RE-ESTABLISH RETIREE MEDICAL BENEFITS―Health care is just as essential as a solid pension.
RIGHT TO STRIKE OVER PLANT CLOSURES―The Big Three have closed 65 plants over the last 20 years. That’s been devastating for workers and their communities. Workers must have the right to defend their communities from the corporate greed that’s killing so many cities and towns.
WORKING FAMILY PROTECTION PROGRAM―A program that keeps UAW members on the job. If companies try to flee workers’ hometowns, they’ll have to pay UAW members to do community-service work.
END ABUSE OF TEMP WORKERS―Workers’ fight at the Big Three is a fight for every worker.
MORE PAID TIME OFF TO BE WITH FAMILIES―Autoworkers are working 60, 70, even 80 hours a week just to make ends meet. They’re demanding fair scheduling now.
SIGNIFICANTLY INCREASE RETIREE PAY―Retired autoworkers built these companies and deserve to be represented in ongoing negotiations.
Click here to send a message directly to the CEOs of Ford, GM, and Stellantis and urge them to meet workers’ demands!
Thank you for taking action today.
In solidarity,
Deborah Weinstein
Executive Director, Coalition on Human Needs
1 UAW-automakers negotiations pit falling wages against skyrocketing CEO pay