From Margaret White, No Labels <[email protected]>
Subject The clock is ticking on another government shutdown
Date September 15, 2023 7:06 PM
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Weekly Newsletter: Congress routinely fails to get some of its most important work -- funding the government – done on time. No Labels has a bipartisan plan to ensure shutdowns become a thing of the past.

If we didn’t do our jobs, we’d lose our jobs. Government should do its job.

Hi Friend,

Imagine your neighbors hired you to mow their lawn every weekend, but you don’t cut the grass on time. Would you expect to keep your job? Unlikely, right?

Yet, Congress, tasked with the essential job of passing a budget and 12 mandatory spending bills each fiscal year has almost uniformly failed to do its job. In fact, they haven’t passed the required bills on time even once since 1996.

Guess what? We're hurtling toward that cliff again. If you chip in $10 to No Labels 2024 right now, you can help us amplify our message that the government must do its job ([link removed] ) .

Right now, the government is staring at another shutdown at the end of this month, fueled by partisan wrangling. Americans are fed up—just ask Gail Koshland.

Gail, a retired physiology professor from Arizona State University, watched in disbelief as the 2013 government shutdown unfolded. It cost the country an estimated $2 billion in lost productivity. A lifelong Democrat, Gail realized it was time for a change. She found No Labels online and gravitated immediately to our message of common sense and bipartisanship. Today, Gail is a fervent supporter of our efforts in Arizona, recently celebrating our crucial victory to win ballot access in the state with a headline in the local newspaper and her cat, Lina.

What can we do to avoid shutdowns? No Labels has a compelling, straightforward proposal, “No Budget, No Pay,” that we outline in our Common Sense policy booklet ([link removed] ) . If Congress fails to pass those essential budget and spending bills on time, they shouldn't collect their salaries until they fulfill their duties.

It's a no-brainer, don't you think?

There is also new bipartisan legislation floating through Congress right now that could enforce some accountability on Congress. The “Prevent Government Shutdowns Act,” introduced by Sens. James Lankford (R-OK) and Maggie Hassan (D-NH) would ensure that the government remains funded at current levels even if Congress can’t pass its spending bills on time. The added twist is that lawmakers could not leave D.C. until they resolve the budget impasse. It’s a meaningful step toward eliminating shutdowns while holding elected officials accountable.

No Labels exists to unite Americans around commonsense solutions, and every day we see that our mission resonates with more and more people, like Gail in Arizona.

Just remember: we can't do our work without you.

So, if you want to stop shutdowns and partisan bickering, pitch in $25, $50, or even $100 to No Labels 2024 ([link removed] ) so we can bring commonsense back to Congress and chart a new course in which our government shows up for work—and gets the job done, just like you would if you took on the job of mowing your neighbor’s lawn.

CHIP IN $25 ▸
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CHIP IN $50 ▸
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CHIP IN $100 ▸
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Like you, we are here to get the job done!

Warm regards,

Margaret White

No Labels

Meet Aavik ([link removed] )

I am No Labels — Aavik ([link removed] )

Meet Aavik, a lifelong Democrat from Illinois and a proud No Labels supporter who wants to see both parties come together to continue to succeed as a nation.

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Join us for No Labels 101 ([link removed] )

Tuesday October 10th - 4:00pm ET

No Labels is making history, and we want you to be part of it! We're working hard to build the launching pad for a potential independent Unity presidential ticket – featuring one Democrat and one Republican – in 2024. Forces within the two major parties have already registered their objections to this project, but they're only displaying a disconnect with how the country feels.

No Labels 101 is an introduction call into everything we are working on and how it all works together.

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Five Facts on US Government Shutdowns ([link removed] )

When Congress narrowly avoided a debt ceiling disaster earlier this year, part of the deal included funding the federal government through the end of September, when fiscal year 2023 comes to a close. As members of the House and Senate return from their summer recess, reaching another funding deal will have to be a top priority over the next few weeks to prevent yet another government shutdown.

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Donate to No Labels 2024 ([link removed] )

We are in a historic place as guardians of democracy and appreciate your donations. Your contributions fund our efforts collecting signatures, recruiting volunteers and working to guarantee that our commonsense majority has a presidential ticket in 2024.

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Contributions to No Labels 2024 are not tax deductible for income tax purposes. This email and related content are paid for by No Labels 2024, [email protected], which is not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. To comply with federal law, we must use best efforts to obtain, maintain, and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per calendar year.

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