![]() Patriot, I remember, fifteen years ago, when the Republican Party held its national convention in the Twin Cities. The RNC was there to crown John McCain their standard-bearer. I drove to Minneapolis with my family . . . but not for the RNC. We came for Ron Paul’s Rally for the Republic – held blocks away from the convention – to make sure the party establishment could hear us loud and clear in demanding the party reject the neocon globalist establishment. Over ten thousand of us came for this sold-out event, emceed by Tucker Carlson and featuring Barry Goldwater, Jr., Bruce Fein, Howard Phillips, Tom Woods, Grover Norquist, Lew Rockwell, Doug Wead, and many more luminaries for liberty . . . and headlined by the one and only Ron Paul. ![]() Over 10,000 supporters came to the Rally for the Republic to jumpstart Campaign for Liberty in 2008. It was a closing celebration for Ron Paul’s historic 2008 campaign for President . . . and a kickoff celebration for Campaign for Liberty, which has fought for Dr. Paul’s values of constitutional rights, rule of law, individual liberty, sound money, and a non-interventionist foreign policy. The Ron Paul R3VOLution entered its next stage. And over the next fifteen years, the statist neocon ideology that was all-pervasive in the Republican Party of 2008 has been pushed to the margins. That’s not to say there aren’t still the Nikki Haleys and Lindsey Grahams of the world . . . but it’s revealing that Mitt Romney announced his retirement this week and is thinking about starting a new party. And over the years, Campaign for Liberty has racked up win after win, defending fundamental constitutional rights when nobody thought it was possible: • Twice passing Audit the Fed through the House of
Representatives and coming within seven votes of breaking the filibuster of the Audit bill in the Senate; • Staving off the Central Bank Digital Currency, the Orwellian scheme to surveil and control our money; • Stopping several schemes to impose new taxes and regulations on the Internet for the benefit of special interests – including burying the National Internet Tax; • Standing with Rand and (temporarily) blocking expansion of the worst "PATRIOT" Act provisions, and making the expiration of Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act a realistic possibility this year; • Defeating Covid-based tyranny, Red Light "Scameras," gun control, tax increases, ObamaCare expansion, and numerous other power grabs at the state and local levels; • Leading the charge on Sound Money bills, which we have successfully gotten signed into law in multiple states; And so much more! And we could not have achieved any of it without you. Because you signed those petitions. You made those phone calls. And your
financial support has enabled us to run legislative programs in Washington and hold targeted politicians accountable in their districts. And with your continued support, we will win many more victories in the years to come! ![]() Patriot, these past fifteen years have flown by, and there have been many lows and highs. When Covid tyranny swept across the world, Campaign for Liberty was one of the only organizations to declare right from the get-go that these unprecedented assaults on our liberties were grossly unconstitutional and sure to cause terrible damage in all aspects of life. Today we stand vindicated. And we’re at the cutting edge of the battle to prevent Covid tyranny from ever coming to our shores again, via the World Health Organization or tyrants right here at home. More Americans than ever are waking up to how the government controls and diminishes our lives . . . but it’s not enough to know about it. Campaign for Liberty turns our desire for liberty into concrete, effective political mobilization. And for all the fights we face today. . . Reining in the Fed and defeating the
Central Bank Digital Currency. . . Defending our health freedom and holding those who lied about Covid accountable. . . Protecting free speech online and shutting down the government’s mass surveillance program. . . We still can’t do it without you. So I hope you’ll join me in signing your pledge to Ron Paul to keep up the fight for the next fifteen years. ![]() And then after you sign, please make your Special 15th Anniversary Contribution of $1500, $150, $15, or somewhere in between to help Campaign for Liberty lay the groundwork for the next fifteen years of the battle. Your contribution will help us kick off the next fifteen years with the resources to make Campaign for Liberty an even stronger force for individual liberty and limited government. Thanks for all you do for Liberty, Heather D. Director of Legislation Campaign for Liberty P.S. I remember 2008 vividly . . . the Ron Paul R3volution was underway! Americans from coast to coast were fed up with a bloated government, politicians who were a part of the overseas interventionism problem, crony capitalism, bureaucrats running the asylum, and more. Many great Americans woke up in 2008. I drove with my family to Minneapolis, not to attend the coronation of John McCain at the RNC Convention, but for Ron Paul’s Rally for the Republic. Ron Paul has never stopped fighting for liberty since he was elected to Congress in 1974 or when he left Congress in 2013. But the forces of statism won’t stop either. It’s up to us to keep up the fight. Campaign for Liberty was officially formed 15 years ago this month. On this anniversary, sign your pledge to Ron Paul to keep up the fight. And please consider a generous 15th Anniversary donation so we can push back on the statists and globalists even harder now as they bring new challenges. Thank you so much. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. Join Ron Paul’s Patriot Club with a monthly
contribution! Your support sustains our work and members are automatically entered to receive special giveaways autographed by Ron
Paul. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional
government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots
mobilization. |