Friend, Chuck lambasted MAGA Republicans' political games. At the same time, he laid out the truth: If MAGA Republicans keep raising boatloads of money, they could take away our Democratic Senate Majority.
We need your help. Chip in right now to help Chuck Schumer stop a MAGA takeover of the Senate:
– Team Schumer
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From: Chuck Schumer
Date: Thu, September 14, 2023
Subject: The cruel clown show continues
Friend --
Climate, healthcare, child poverty -- there's no shortage of real issues that Republicans could be focusing on. But instead, MAGA Republicans are continuing their typical games to get more news coverage and boost their donations.
And in less than two weeks, the GOP presidential candidates will once again take the stage for their cruel clown show of a debate. We can expect more lies, hate, and denial -- and a surge in MAGA fundraising to match.
I'm telling you all this because our Democrats need to keep pace. We can't let MAGA Republicans gain even one more inch of power, and we definitely can't let them take back control of the U.S. Senate. I'm doing everything I can to make sure our Democrats win in 2024, but I need your help. Will you chip in right now to help me defend our Senate Majority?
This is the moment for us to unite and stand for our values. Thank you in advance.
Chuck Schumer