A message to all NumbersUSA Members from CEO James Massa

Momentum Builds for the Secure the Border Act in the Senate


I encouraged you last week to contact your House of Representatives member to let them know you want them to support a Continuing Resolution to keep the government open ONLY if they append the CR with H.R. 2, the Secure Border Act, which passed the House earlier this year.

If you have, your effort got a huge lift yesterday! NumbersUSA's efforts on your behalf, coupled with the heat being turned up due to the budget vs. border security battle, caused several senators to now be eager to sponsor the Senate companion to H.R. 2. Yesterday, Senator Ted Cruz took the lead and introduced the Secure the Border Act of 2023 in the Senate as S. 2824! NumbersUSA is pleased to be prominently quoted in the press release stating the implications of this sensible immigration legislation (see below). Adding to the gravitas of this effort is co-sponsorship of the bill by Senate Minority Leader, Senator Mitch McConnell.

Now is the time for you to press your Senators to support the Senate Secure the Border Act of 2023 to demand that Senator Chuck Schumer allow it to come to the floor.

Send a message to your U.S. Senator(s) and urge him/her to cosponsor Sen. Ted Cruz's Secure the Border Act!
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H.R. 2, which was once thought of as a "messaging bill," could now be voted on in the Senate on its own merit. Given the party politics, Senator Schumer may not allow this to occur without you making your voice heard.

Even if this does not occur, having the companion to H.R. 2 introduced in the Senate makes it more possible that the Senate will not reject H.R. 2 being appended to a continuing resolution coming to them from the House of Representatives. Better immigration is possible and needed. NumbersUSA continues to empower voters to achieve a sensible immigration policy.

The changes in law represented in H.R. 2 and S. 2824 are part of that achievement.

Please, act now to tell your Senators you want S. 2824

We're proud that Ted Cruz quoted us so extensively in his press release. Here's our comments that he included (emphasis added):

"NumbersUSA CEO James Massa stated, 'NumbersUSA strongly supports the efforts of Senator Cruz to end the border surge through the introduction of the Senate companion to HR 2, the Secure the Border Act of 2023, which passed the House of Representatives on May 11. If enacted, this bill would bring an end to the border crisis that has overwhelmed the Border Patrol—and American communities from Eagle Pass to New York to Los Angeles —for more than two and a half years.

"The Biden Administration has not only refused to use the enforcement authority and barrier expansion given to it by Congress to gain operational control of the border, but has added to the crisis by processing into the interior of the United States millions of aliens without legitimate claims to enter or stay.

"The Secure the Border Act of 2023 would rein in the breathtaking and illegal abuse of parole that this administration has been using to unlawfully create its own immigration system outside of the confines of the Immigration and Nationality Act. It would block the administration from continuing its policies of catch-and-release, thus deterring future waves of illegal migrants. It would put a stop to the encouragement of family units and unaccompanied alien children surging our borders, protecting them from victimization by the cartels and traffickers, as well as exploitation in illegally obtained jobs without protection of official status. It would put teeth into efforts to deter visa overstays, and it would plug the loopholes in our asylum system to restore its integrity and protect it for legitimate asylum seekers.

"Most importantly, it would shut off the 'jobs magnet' for illegal immigration while protecting jobs for American workers by making nationwide and mandatory the already proven-effective use of E-Verify. NumbersUSA encourages every Senator to stand with Senator Cruz and support these sensible reforms.'"

Send a message to your U.S. Senator(s) and urge him/her to cosponsor Sen. Ted Cruz's Secure the Border Act!
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Thank you for being part of this important effort to make immigration better and sensible.

James Massa

CEO, NumbersUSA
