We can’t afford to let our momentum slip and leave us vulnerable to any GOP attacks.


Earlier this quarter, POLITICO reported that grassroots support has taken a dramatic downturn.

This news means we need to kick things into high gear ahead of our FEC quarterly deadline because our campaign depends on small-dollar donations from this team to build a strong foundation.

With the National Republican Congressional Committee reporting record-breaking fundraising numbers, we can’t afford to let our momentum slip and leave us vulnerable to any GOP attacks, especially not after they named Frank one of their top targets.

John, chip in before midnight tonight to help us meet our final mid-month goal of the quarter so that we can protect this seat and re-elect Frank:

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

The truth is, each and every time we’re facing a fundraising deadline, this team of folks like you pitching in $25, $10, or $5 at a time is what makes the difference in the end. That’s how impactful your contributions are to our campaign.

Pitch in now to help us fend off any incoming GOP attacks and fuel our campaign to keep Frank advocating for Northwest Indiana in Congress.

Thank you for your continued support,

— Team Mrvan