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L’shanah tovah, John,
The Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah, is the holiday that celebrates everything. It marks the birth of creation, and on this day Jewish tradition encourages us to remember how beautiful and blessed and various is the world we have been given. There are two ways in which we prove ourselves worthy of this gift.
Those responsibilities are to take care of the gift itself, the world in which we live, and to care for one another. The Torah recounts that in the Garden of Eden there were two people, not one. For as the Jewish philosopher Levinas taught, to see another person — to really see them — is to understand that no one exists singly, that we are not stewards of our own souls alone but caretakers of each other, celebrants of the same garden. The Rabbis envision God saying: “Take care of the garden I have given you for if you disdain it, there are none to come after you to restore it.”
The work that ADL does each and every day is challenging as it combats the hatred that lives in our society. But that is ultimately a task of love. We share a vision of this world as a creation that can realize its potential for goodness. On Rosh Hashanah it is traditional to blow the shofar, the ram’s horn. It serves as a moral alarm clock that reminds us to wake up to our responsibility — to be grateful for the blessing of creation and to expand the circle of concern until this world is healed: a world without hate, a place of peace.
As we forge ahead, ADL is so grateful to have your support in this task of love, Fighting Hate for Good.
We send you and yours wishes of health and happiness in the year to come.
Rabbi David Wolpe
Rabbinic Fellow
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