I wanted to reach out directly: I need your help now if I’m going to defeat Lauren Boebert, and I have nowhere else to turn.


I wanted to reach out directly: I need your help now if I’m going to defeat Lauren Boebert. Right now, we’re facing our most important mid-month fundraising deadline yet, and I have nowhere else to turn.

My race against Boebert last year was the closest in the entire country. After a recount, we lost by just 546 votes. In order to make sure we have the resources to start strong, we’ve set a goal to raise another $175,000 before our mid-September deadline tomorrow – and missing this goal isn't an option.

This is going to be one of the most expensive House races ever, and Lauren Boebert’s allies have already started attacking me. With just 0.17% being the difference in 2022, every dollar is going to matter.

All of the political pundits are calling this one of the races to watch, but grassroots donors like you are going to be what allows us to correct the lies and hold Boebert accountable.

I’m not taking a dime of corporate PAC money, so I am asking if you can chip in to my campaign now and help finally send Boebert packing.

Anything you can spare before our critical mid-September fundraising deadline would mean the world and go a long way.

Here's the best link to give now: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/frisch_email

Thank you so much for your support.

With gratitude -