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September 2023
Join Us for the
Peoples' Climate Week Hybrid Events
Monday Sept 18 & Tuesday Sept 19
4-9pm EDT
Knowledge is power...
This is a critical moment to stop the deployment of false solutions that only extend the era of fossil fuels...
The Biden administration continues to green light mega-polluting fossil fuel projects and unproven and dangerous technologies. We are mobilizing around the summit to leverage as much national and international pressure as possible to force Biden to change course.
Join US, in person or virtually at the New School on Monday and Tuesday, September 18 & 19 as EJ Grassroots Leaders Respond to False Solutions being pushed during the Climate Ambition Event.
Register for EACH Event at the links below the flyers!
False Solution vs Just Transition Plenary and Movement Social
Join us Monday (9/18)
Plenary & Movement Social for the launch of Peoples’ Climate Week

Nnimmo Bassey, HOME-F, Nigeria
Tom Goldtooth, Indigenous Environmental Network
Claudiene Florencio, President of the Association of Pataxó Indigenous Women, Brazil
Raya Salter, The Black Hive and Energy Justice, Policy and Law Centre NY
Kali Akuno, Coop Jackson & Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Krystal TwoBulls, Honor the Earth
Kandi White, Indigenous Environmental Network
Margaret Kwateng, Grassroots Global Justice Alliance
Teach In and People's Assembly
Join us Tuesday (9/19)
Teach-in led by EJ/CJ frontline and BIPOC organizers on real versus false climate solutions. 

Crystal Cavalier, No Mountain Valley Pipeline campaign
Juan Mancias, Frontlines of LNG pipelines in Texas
Jose Bravo, Just Transition Alliance
Panganga Pungowiyi, Indigenous Environmental Network
Julia Bernal, Pueblo Action Alliance
Natalie Jeffers, The Black Climate Mandate
Mohiba Ahmed, Desis Rising Up & Moving (DRUM)
Moñeka De Oros, feminist anti-militarism
Brittany DeBarros, feminist anti-militarism
Follow us on social media during the March to End Fossil Fuels, New School Events and throughout The Peoples' Climate Week!

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The Indigenous Environmental Network  •  PO Box 485  •  Bemidji, MN 56619

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