The coronavirus, responsible for killing more than 2,300 people and infecting tens of thousands more, should instead be dubbed the “TrumpVirus.”Or, at least, that’s according to Gail Collins, an opinion writer over at the New

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Our new logo embodies the drive and commitment to carrying out the mission of the MRC as America’s Media Watchdog, the personality of the organization, and the people behind it.



Formerly Leftist Court UPHOLDS Trump’s Ban on Abortion Funding

By P. Gardner Goldsmith | 27 Feb 2020

On Monday, February 24, 2020 the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals ruled in favor of the Trump administration's move to withhold Title X taxpayer funding from medical organizations that also engage in abortions. ...

Farrakhan: 'Mr. Trump Killed My Brother, Qasem Soleimani,' Defends Iranian Terrorist General's Actions

By Nick Kangadis | 27 Feb 2020

Some people are so dedicated to their respective cause that they will openly call a murderous terrorist their “brother.” It’s either that or those people are nuts. Heck, maybe it’s both depending on the...

State Department Steps Up Anti-Illegal Immigrant Billboard Campaign

By Dan Montanaro | 27 Feb 2020

According to a report by Fox News Wednesday, the U.S. State Department is working on increasing efforts on an advertising campaign in Central America, to warn potential migrants against coming into the...


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