Second Circuit Issue Landmark Decision:

U.S. v. Minter

On September 6, 2023, the Second Circuit issued a landmark decision narrowing the immigration consequences of some New York drug convictions. As a result, thousands of immigrants targeted by the drug war may be eligible for relief from the devastating immigration consequences of these convictions.

The harsh penalties for drug use and sale have torn families and communities apart without providing the safety those communities deserve. This decision by the court provides a glimmer of relief for immigrants, who are among the most harshly impacted by the drug war.

IDP is committed to ending the double punishment of people with drug convictions. We have created resources about this decision for community members, lawyers, and advocates impacted by New York drug convictions and the immigration system. You can find a sample motion, FAQs, and more on our website

IDP Celebrates Clemency Grants

Clemency is a powerful but underused tool that offers recipients the second chance routinely denied by the overly punitive criminal and immigration systems. In 2018, IDP launched the Immigrant Clemency Project. The project helps immigrants access pardons and push back against policies that disempower and marginalize people with criminal histories.

In 2021, New York Governor Hochul committed to dedicating additional resources to grant clemency on a rolling basis throughout the year. We celebrate last week’s announcement to grant clemency to 13 community members.

Our work depends on your support. Please consider making a donation or becoming a monthly sustainer. Together we can end mass detention and deportation.
