$3. That’s what we are asking from you today.

$3 to keep Robert in Congress fighting for accountability of lawmakers like George Santos and Marjorie Taylor Greene.

$3 to make sure LGBTQ+ children and immigrants see someone like them in Congress and know they could be there someday.

$3 so Robert can continue fighting to protect California and our planet from climate change and disaster.

$3 to help us catch up during the toughest quarter of political fundraising.

$3 to help us reach our goal as we approach our FEC deadline at the end of the month.

That’s right. That’s what your $3 can do. So what do you say?

Can you please contribute $3 or whatever you can afford to our movement to reelect Robert and flip the House blue? Every single donation will help us get there.

Thank you in advance,

Team Robert Garcia


Paid for by Robert Garcia for Congress

Robert Garcia for Congress
65 Pine Ave
Long Beach, CA 90802
United States

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