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Dear NCRC members and allies,

NCRC’s National Training Academy is currently offering scholarships for training sessions at the 2020 Just Economy Conference! These hardship scholarships will help towards travel and lodging expenses.

Training registrants will have access to conference events as long as they do not conflict with training hours and they can not participate in any lobbying activities. Conference is included in your registration, and training registrants do not need to register separately into conference.

The following training courses will be offered during the conference on April 27 - May 1, 2019:

Storytelling for Fundraising Efforts 

April 27-28, 2020

Learn to collect and tell authentic compelling stories to advance your agencies cause and gain support for your mission and programs. Learn how storytelling in your fundraising can help gain access to untapped funding sources. 

Power of Partnerships

April 29 - May 1, 2020 


This training will help you tap into opportunities for revenue generation and overall growth by capitalizing on community partnerships. We will learn what attributes make a great partner, how agencies can market themselves to potential partners and discuss the structure of various types of partnerships. 

Best Practices for Passing the HUD Certification Exam

April 27-28, 2020

Do you have anxiety about passing the HUD Housing Counseling Exam? Would you like to hear about best practices and ways to reduce anxiety? Come and talk with three experts and get tips on how to pass the exam. 

Fast-Track to HUD Certification 

April 29 - May 1, 2020

Would you like to brush up on the six core topics before taking the exam? This three-day fast paced, yet interactive training may be the perfect fit for you. The course is recommended for seasoned housing counselors with 3+ years’ experience. 
Apply for training scholarships

Scholarship application deadline is Friday, March 6, 2020, 5 PM EST.  

Apply today and we'll see you in April!

Thank you for your continued participation. If you are not a member of NCRC, join now.
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The National Community Reinvestment Coalition (NCRC) and its grassroots member organizations create opportunities for people to build wealth.

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