The left is pouring in all their resources into Texas. What's our plan?
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** Dear TTP friend,
I was prompted to write an important email to you to make sure you're fully aware of the urgency of what we are fighting. My hope, obviously, is to inspire you into action!
Recently, an article written by the President of Heritage Action,
Kay C. Jones, came into my inbox. It was titled, The Far Left’s Strategy to Control Your Community ([link removed]) . If you don't have time to read it, here's an excerpt:
"National left-wing organizations are collecting and funneling hundreds of millions of dollars to flip local city councils, school boards, and county prosecutors’ offices to the left. They are flooding small elections with big money, and it’s giving them unprecedented influence over our local affairs and greater access to our children.
We’re witnessing the election of leftist local prosecutors who are refusing to prosecute whole classes of crimes. Rather than working with their state legislatures or city councils to reform the criminal justice system the right way, they are choosing to ignore the laws they took oaths to uphold and are single-handedly nullifying laws they don’t like."
Friends, it is time for us all to step up our game and get aggressive. Texas conservatism is at stake. We've already witnessed the corruption against a good judge, Judge Alex Kim, and there is so much more good we must fight for.
These problems don't just go away on their own. The left is trying to take over OUR territory, and we don't have to let them.
So the question is, what do we do?
Recently, when I went to the Denton Lincoln/Reagan Dinner to hear Candace Owens speak, the same question was asked. In summary, her response went something like this:
"There are different people who fill different roles. Some, like me, are in the front lines taking the bullets, while others are there to support these people by helping to fund and back these people."
It takes a team effort. We all know that Julie McCarty has most certainly been one to take many bullets. Because of this, True Texas has grown tremendously, clinging to a deep conviction to stand for truth and real conservatism against the odds. Though you may not be able to take the bullets like Julie, you can help fund True Texas Project and its initiatives.
Some of you already give monthly. Your donations combined help keep the TTP machine running. However, we have big plans for 2020. TTP is infiltrating Denton County, and Dallas County is next!
And that's not all.
We have some other big strategies that we are discussing with our board. They are strategic ideas that need proper funding to launch. We are unable to move forward without proper financial backing.
Our 1st quarter goal for TTP is to raise $10,000 by March 31st and get the ball rolling. This is just the beginning, but it will help open some major doors for us.
Outside of your normal monthly contributions, what would you be willing to give for this valuable cause to fight for Texas? Democrats are not hesitating to "pour in" their resources. They want this state badly. What about you?
If you're committed to our plans this year, make your best donation for our 1st quarter campaign here ([link removed]) .
Also, if you want to come help with your time and talent, you can email me back and let me know. There are many ways to fight!
Thank you for joining the initiative and being an incredible patriot!
God Bless,
Shamain Webster
Executive Director
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