Your Intentions: Three Holy Masses, 9/21-9/23

Dear Friend,
On this Solemnity of the Exaltation
of the Holy Cross, I would like to reflect on what the great saint,
Padre Pio, who endured daily suffering said about the
“The Lord sometimes makes you feel
the weight of the cross. Although the weight seems intolerable, you
are able to carry it because the Lord, in His love and mercy extends a
hand to you and gives you strength.”
September 23 marks the Twenty-first
Year that St. Padre Pio is honored as a saint on his Feast
Day. Priests around the world have the option of offering a Memorial
Holy Mass in honor of St. Pius (Padre Pio) of Pietrelcina - in
thanksgiving for his life and for all those seeking his intercession.
Saints in heaven are endlessly filled with joy at the beatific vision
of God, with their glorified bodies – yet, they want to help souls
with their earthly struggles.
That is exactly what St. Padre Pio
wants to do for you and I, for he had said: "I will stand at the gates
of Heaven and I will not enter until all of my spiritual children are
with me." Ask St. Padre Pio in your heart to be his spiritual child,
so he can speedily intercede for your needs before the throne of God -
to ask for many graces (and even miracles) on your behalf, for he has
been known to have a “heart of gold.”
You must do your part while praying
to St. Padre Pio for these three days: practice the virtue of charity
toward your neighbor, with acts of kindness, pray the Holy Rosary too,
for Padre Pio had an immense devotion to Blessed Virgin Mary. Finally,
place your hope and trust in God. In fact, he was quoted as saying:
“Our Lady wishes to be served by praying the Blessed Rosary in order
to give us graces and blessings.”
The life of St. Padre Pio was
indeed extraordinary in many ways, with the gifts God gave him.
Through the power of God, he was able to read people’s souls, bilocate
and even levitate off the ground.
On Sept. 20, 1918, St. Padre Pio
received the holy wounds of Christ, the stigmata on his hands, feet
and sides, which bled for fifty years, and even had a shoulder wound
that he kept secret.
He saw his suffering as an
instrument to get closer to God. And God did indeed answer a multitude
of prayers, bringing extraordinary miracles in the lives of countless
people who came to him for spiritual help.
Please join me in prayer during
these three days invoking the intercession of St. Padre Pio, from
September 21-23. Submit your intentions for the Three Holy Masses which will begin
on Thursday, September 21.
Let us invoke St. Padre Pio, who is
a mirror of the divine life and the helper of souls in doubt and
Yours in the Sacred Heart of Jesus
and the Immaculate Heart of Mary,

Thomas McKenna
Founder and President
Catholic Action For Faith And Family
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