Dear John,


On September 17th, the March to End Fossil Fuels will take place in New York City. We're writing to invite you to join our contingent! We want to have a big, bad, and bodacious presence at the march!!

If you're coming, let us know. Sign up here!!

We will join the anti-militarism hub of the march. It will gather on 55th street between Broadway and 7th. Let's meet at 12:00 PM. (Please note the change from 54th St to 55th St by march organizers).

As the call to march says, we'll join with tens of thousands of others to demand the Biden administration take steps to end fossil fuels before it's late. And make no mistake, such action has to include cooperating with other countries like China and ending Cold War 2.0 politics.

Please reply to indicate your participation! We hope to hear from you soon!!


See you at the march,


Rossana and Joe

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
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