From Ruben Gallego <[email protected]>
Subject We need you to make your first donation today, John.
Date September 14, 2023 1:42 PM
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Team. It’s Ruben.

On Tuesday I told you our percent to goal, and how much progress we need to make ahead of our mid-month deadline.

On Wednesday I told you the exact amount we needed to raise to stay on track to that goal.

We’ve made up some ground, but we’ve still got a ways to go.

So today, I’m going to tell you exactly how many donations we need to hit tomorrow’s mid-month fundraising goal.

We set a goal of 50,000 donations this month, but as of this morning we’ve had about 12,000.

So today, September 14th, we’re looking for 2000 donations. We’ve had 323 so far. That means we need another 1677 more by midnight.

If everybody reading this right now donated, we’d absolutely destroy that goal. We wouldn’t need to fundraise anymore because we’d have everything we need to win this race with ease.

But not everybody donates. So I’ve got to ask you:

Can you make a donation today? Make it because our majority in the Senate is going to come down to who wins in Arizona. I need you, friend.

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Thank you very much.


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