Solving one problem by creating others: Welcome to Florida's 'Live Local Act'


Here at VoteWater, we’re in favor of responsible, measured development that inflicts minimal impacts on water quality and quantity, neighboring communities and the environment in general.

The “Live Local Act” ain’t it.

On March 29 Gov. DeSantis signed SB102 into law; the measure provides $711 million in funding and tax incentives for affordable housing projects while removing regulatory hurdles. The goal was to expedite the construction of affordable housing throughout Florida — a dire need, to be sure.

But the Live Local Act seeks to do this by neutering local authority over where and how this housing gets built — and that could lead to huge problems down the road. Already we're seeing controversial projects in big communities like Miami Beach, and small areas like Martin County; local officials could be required to green-light taller buildings, greater densities, more traffic and a bigger burden on local services than might otherwise be permitted.

Bottom line: The Live Local Act could make "living local" even tougher. For a more detailed rundown, check our latest update at

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LOSOM, delayed again

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers new Lake Okechobee System Operating Manual (LOSOM) was supposed to be finished by now. But in March the National Marine Fisheries Service, part of NOAA, decided it needed to take a closer look at the lake plan's potential impacts on Gulf coast sea turtles.

Their analysis was supposed to be completed by Aug. 30; it wasn't, and there's no definitive word on when it will finally be done. That, Corps officials have said, means implementation of the new lake plan will be pushed back possibly into 2024.

"Hurry up and wait" gets harder and harder after so many years and so much work on LOSOM. The National Marine Fisheries Service needs to step it up so this effort can finally, mercifully cross the finish line.

Sign the petition: The time for sugar reform is now!

Our friends at Friends of the Everglades are spearheading a petition drive to convince Congress to reform the Sugar Program, part of the Farm Bill that must be reauthorized every five years. Thousands of Floridians have signed their names demanding change now's your chance to join them!

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'Dirty Money' update: Who's getting it? Who isn't?

The deeper we dig into campaign finance with our "Dirty Money Project" reporting, the clearer it becomes that dirty money is the norm rather than exception in the halls of power. Check this quick-hit video update from VoteWater's Gil Smart on YouTube on what we're finding and what we're looking for as the project moves forward.

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P.S. Signatures Needed! The "Right to Clean and Healthy Waters" petition needs 900,000 signature by November 30 to get on the 2024 ballot. The petition can be printed out and signed here:

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