Avocado Toast Guy has thoughts about your wages.

Folks – Here’s a blast we should’ve left in the past. 

A graphic featuring a photo of avocado toast with a Guardian headline from 2017 that reads: “Millionaire tells millennials: if you want a house, stop buying avocado toast”. In the foreground is a cut-out photo of multi-millionaire Tim Gurner.

Unfortunately, “Avocado Toast Guy” Tim Gurner, a not-quite-billionaire Australian real estate baron, reared his head once again yesterday to share his “opinions” on workers and wages.


Read for yourself:

An animated gif of a video clip of Tim Gurner speaking at a property summit on September 12, 2023. In this clip he says: “People decided they didn't really want to work so much anymore through COVID and that has had a massive issue on productivity. We need to see unemployment rise. Unemployment has to jump 40 50% in my view. We need to see pain in the economy. So it's a dynamic that has to change. We've got to kill that attitude. People are definitely laying people off. And we're starting to see less arrogance in the employment market.”

Did you catch that?


Gurner, a mega millionaire, is complaining that workers have grown “arrogant” after COVID and that they (the owner class) have got to “kill that attitude.”


But here on the other side of the globe there’s a different sentiment taking root.


The United Auto Workers are preparing to go on strike against the Big Three automakers if they don’t reach a new deal before their current contract expires at midnight tomorrow.


And just in case anyone is questioning their resolve, UAW president Shawn Fain has made their position CRYSTAL clear.


Two weeks ago Fain addressed his members in a 37 minute video where he spoke at length about their demands for fair wages and fewer working hours. In that video Fain said “Billionaires in my opinion don't have a right to exist.”


And when analysts accused auto workers of threatening to “wreck the economy” if they proceed with a strike, Fain responded:


"It's not that we're going to wreck the economy. We're going to wreck their economy, the economy that only works for the billionaire class. It doesn't work for the working class."


Gurner and Fain represent two views that are a world apart – and it’s not because of geography. I know I’m PROUD to stand with the UAW and every single worker fighting for their rights.


As a former union leader and public school teacher, I’ve pledged to donate 30% of my post-tax congressional salary to strike funds – a promise every striking worker I’ve marched with knows they can take to the bank. And I will never take a dime for corporate PACs or lobbyists, because you can’t stand with labor when you live in the boss’s pocket.


Will you pitch in $25, $50, $100 or more to help me win in WA-02 and send a union leader to Congress next year?

Avocado Toast Guy is a clown and his ideology is a joke. But the threat he represents is no laughing matter – because it’s not just the billionaires and millionaires pining for high unemployment and struggling workers.


Biden’s Federal Reserve chairman has been steadily raising interest rates since March 2022 with the expressed goal of “tightening the labor market.”


That’s just a more academic way of saying what Gurner had the arrogance to say plainly: They want workers to earn less wages, to feel more economically fragile, and to believe we have no power.


But folks, the joke’s on them. Labor has ALL the power. And we always have.


WA-02 deserves a representative who will have labor’s back no matter what. Next year we can either send the ex-lobbyist funded by strikebreakers back for a 24th year in Congress – or we can send me – a union leader and a working class dad.


Let’s send a message and make history next year.


In solidarity,




Jason Call is a former public school teacher and lifelong climate activist running for Congress in WA-02. If elected, he will be the first member of the Green Party to serve in federal office. Learn more at callforcongress.com, and donate today to help us make history.


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