From Ruben Gallego for AZ <[email protected]>
Subject not great.
Date September 13, 2023 10:11 PM
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First the good news:

Ruben Gallego's campaign for Senate in Arizona is funded by a record number of contributions made by people of all backgrounds and from all communities — almost all small dollar donations in pursuit of big change.

We checked our numbers for the quarter this morning, ahead of our FEC deadline. And we officially have more donations at this point in the quarter than last.

We're very proud of that fact and you should be too. It's a great contrast to the way Kyrsten Sinema funds her campaign.

Now, the bad news:

Last quarter, our average donation was around $25. This quarter, it's significantly less — $18 this month. That difference is a big reason why we’ve fallen behind. Which is... not great... to say the least.

So what that means is we either need A LOT more contributions before Friday's mid-month fundraising deadline, or we need people who have given before to chip in a bit more than they did previously.

Nnormally we ask people who have yet to make an online contribution to give just $1 or $3 to get started. But we need to ask you to do a bit more today. $10 would go a very long way toward helping us reach our goals.

So what do you say?

Can you PLEASE use this link to contribute to Ruben Gallego's campaign for Senate in Arizona today? It will all add up FAST if everyone is chipping in. We would not ask if it was not so important.

Contribute: [link removed]-

Thank you in advance for your help today. It means everything to our chances.

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