Fellow Illinoisan,
Starting in the spring of 2019, the Trump Administration began diverting Congressionally-appropriated military funding - $2.5 billion worth - to be used in the construction of President Trump’s border wall. The President diverted an additional $3.6 billion in military construction funds for his wall in the fall of 2019.
And then, earlier this month, the Administration announced it was taking an additional $3.8 billion in military funds from the National Guard and other military programs, funds Congress had intended to address shortfalls identified by military leaders. And the Administration has announced that it intends to divert billions more over the course of the year.
Contrary to the promises made by President Trump, Mexico has yet to pay for a single mile of the border wall. Instead, the American taxpayers are being forced to foot the bill, and our military is suffering as money intended for base updates, aircraft, military schools, and more goes to pay for the President’s failed campaign promise.
Every dollar diverted from our men and women in uniform for President Trump’s ‘big, beautiful’ border wall was appropriated by Congress to address a need identified by our military. This latest reprogramming is not just an attack on Congress’ power of the purse, it is an attack on military readiness.
I introduced the Restoring Military Priorities Act of 2020 to undo this short-sighted and dangerous diversion of military funds. My bill would reverse and restore the transfer of $3.8 billion in military funds to be used to construct the President’s ineffective border wall. It also reduces the Defense Department’s transfer authority so that the Administration cannot turn around and try to divert additional funding for President Trump’s border wall.
The Senate must reject the President’s ongoing money grab and reassert our Constitutionally-granted powers. By passing the Restoring Military Priorities Act of 2020, we can do just that.
U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL)