Lisa and her ancestor's scarf

Expanding voting rights has always been important to me, friend. It’s hard to believe that just 58 years ago, the Voting Rights Act of 1965 was signed into law.

As a Black woman, it’s not lost on me how hard we have fought to secure this precious right. My great-great-great grandfather, who was enslaved, was not afforded the right to vote until Reconstruction.

The document he used to register to vote is imprinted on the scarf I’m holding above. I carry that scarf with me almost every day as a reminder of where we’ve been – and the work we have left to do.

When I’m elected to the Senate, I will vote to expand voting rights, just as I have done in the House. But I’ll need your help to get there. Can you complete this voting rights survey before 8AM tomorrow so I can take your input to the Senate?


While the Voting Rights Act was, and continues to be, a landmark piece of legislation, the conservative majority on the Supreme Court has gutted several of its critical protections.

This has left voters vulnerable to new voter suppression bills, so it’s clear we need to establish national voting standards, end partisan gerrymandering, and protect our democracy.

My promise to you is this: I will fight for voting rights in the Senate. With a slim Democratic majority and people like Donald Trump knocking on the door of the White House, we desperately need to find a solution, quickly.

My team and I put together this voting rights survey that we’d love to have you complete. I’ll leave it until 8AM tomorrow.


Every American deserves the right to vote, safely, without intimidation and without unnecessary hurdles in their way.

Together for democracy,