Florida Gov. DeSantis pushing E-Verify mandate... ...but could Pres. Trump abandon mandatory E-Verify in his upcoming immigration bill? Donate today to make sure Trump's immigration bill includes mandatory E-Verify, rather than caving to his Chief of Staff's calls for more immigration And get your gift DOUBLED by our $75,000 matching grant!!! If you donate $25 . . . we'll get $50 . . . If you donate $50 . . . we'll get $100 . . . If you donate $1,000, we get $2,000!!!
White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is wrong! America's economic growth relies on consumer strength, not more immigration! John, There's a war in the White House. The Trump administration could follow Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis' lead on E-Verify... or the President could cave to his White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney who says America is "desperate" for increases in immigration. We must be clear: We don't need illegal aliens or future visa holders to take U.S. jobs; Any immigration legislation must both reduce immigration and mandate E-Verify. Without mandatory E-Verify, the dedicated efforts of our interior law enforcement officials are severely limited. Unless E-Verify is mandatory for every U.S. employer, most illegal aliens who slip over the border or overstay their visas can just stay here and work at a regular job. Without E-Verify, businesses can often shrug their shoulders and say they didn't know they were hiring illegal labor. In Florida, with the strong leadership of Gov. DeSantis and the activism of tens of thousands of our members, an E-Verify bill is advancing through several committees. (Read below!) But we urgently need your support to push for a national solution; we need the White House to include mandatory E-Verify in whatever immigration reform bill they draft That's why I'm announcing a drive over the next three weeks to raise $150,000 with a 2-for-1 matching campaign for our NumbersUSA Action fund. 21 major donors have already pledged $75,000 on the condition that our vast NumbersUSA member base MATCH that amount. So, this is really a 2-for-1 deal for donations to NumbersUSA Action. If you donate $25 . . . we'll get $50 . . . If you donate $50 . . . we'll get $100 . . . If you donate $1,000, we get $2,000!!!
NumbersUSA is very grateful to our Florida members, who have pressed their state legislature to pass an E-Verify bill with real, significant penalties for businesses caught breaking the law. This is a huge achievement! The bill had been watered down badly in committee, but after an outpouring of activism from our members, the bill is getting better, but still needs to improve. We're still going to need to fight hard with the support of our Florida members to make sure it isn't weakened again by the Rules committee or on the floor of the Senate. This E-Verify battle is about to be the center of a nationwide immigration struggle. And we'll be fighting for E-Verify, because of course, we need nationwide E-Verify, not just in a few states. Before I get into those details, I must express the gratitude that NumbersUSA has for our donors who have helped make our members' activism possible. Without your contributions to NumbersUSA, we would not have been able to mobilize our membership to support the FL legislation. Without the financial support of our donors, we could not have alerted our Florida members about the frequent, important changes to the legislation. We could not have helped them contact their legislators. We could not have educated the Florida electorate about the urgent need for mandatory E-Verify. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis has done a great job pushing his legislature to pass an E-Verify bill. Yet without the pressure added by our Florida members, I doubt any bill would have made it through. We probably have a much bigger fight over E-Verify on our hands coming up, a national fight. Will you help by contributing $25 or even $50? This is an URGENT time to give. The good news is that if you donate today, your gift will get DOUBLED by some of our largest donors!!! 21 major donors of this organization have banded together to offer a $75,000 matching fund. They will match your donations to this matching campaign dollar for dollar. If you donate $25 . . . we'll get $50 . . . If you donate $50 . . . we'll get $100 . . . If you donate $1,000, we get $2,000!!!
No wall can permanently keep out illegal aliens if they can easily find jobs once they get here. We have to stop the jobs magnet!!! We need Congress for real immigration reform. Donald Trump knows that; that's why his administration and advisors are putting together a big immigration bill. But published reports state that the bill the President's team is putting together will NOT have mandatory E-Verify and will NOT bring legal immigration numbers down. Plenty of Republicans in Washington -- and businesses back in the states -- are pressing Pres. Trump to avoid real reforms like E-Verify and reducing legal immigration. For instance, last week, White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney told a private gathering: "We are desperate -- desperate -- for more people... We are running out of people to fuel the economic growth that we've had in our nation over the last four years. We need more immigrants." Will Pres. Trump listen to big business? Will he abandon the immigration reduction voters that did so much to elect him? It seems hard to believe if you haven't gotten used to Washington, but we're afraid it's true: Pres. Trump's demand for mandatory E-Verify has already been dropped from his budget proposal! Please understand that we don't raise money for political candidates. And even if we did, we'd have little chance to counter the hundreds of millions of dollars that the Republicans will receive from corporate interests who want a cheaper labor force and millions of imported workers who will rely on the government for social welfare programs. If just 1% of our activists donated in a given month, we'd be able to meet our budget and even expand our mission. But we're far short of even that modest goal. The good news is that this month, a few of our major supporters have agreed to match the donations you make during this campaign -- even though our Action fund is not tax-deductible --if our other members will match those donations. PLEASE GIVE TODAY!!! If you donate $25 . . . we'll get $50 . . . If you donate $50 . . . we'll get $100 . . . If you donate $1,000, we get $2,000!!! You can donate three ways: 1) Give via our web page, using your credit card or Paypal. 2) Check -- see the instructions and a form to print out and send with your check. 3) Call (703) 816-8820 to arrange a wire transfer, stock donation, or to make a credit card donation over the phone. If our office is closed, please leave the time and your phone number and we will call back. Keep the faith and don't ever give up! Jim Robb P. S. Want to send me your feedback? I'm glad to hear from you at [email protected]. P. P. S.: Remember, if you are ill, unemployed, or living on a small fixed income, please do not contribute. We only ask for help from those able to help. |