Some people say covid is long over, and we
should all just give it up and move on.
But that’s
just not true. So many Canadians are still suffering from the impacts
of the covid years.
Many workplaces still enforce
covid vaccine requirements.
Unvaccinated Canadians
are denied life-saving organ transplants.
suffering from vaccine injuries are ignored or silenced.
Now rumours swirl of a return to mandates and
John, I’m not going to just move on. In fact, I
never stopped fighting.
At the beginning of
October I will be back in court to appeal a decision made during one
of my constitutional challenges last year.
In case you forgot,
in 2022—in partnership with the Justice Centre for Constitutional
Freedoms, and Brian Peckford—I launched a lawsuit challenging the
federal government's covid-19 travel restrictions that prevented
unvaccinated Canadians from traveling by plane, train, or boat.
When our constitutional challenge finally moved
forward in September of last year, the judge called off the hearing
before it even started!
The judge sided with the
government’s lawyers who argued that the case was moot, that it was
not relevant since Trudeau had suspended the mandates.
Justice Jocelyne Gagné found that the use of judicial
resources for a five-day hearing, when the travel mandate had already
been lifted, outweighed the public interest in having the case heard
on the merits.
This determination was absurd.
To let the government just sweep this discriminatory mandate
under the rug without even hearing our arguments!
The mandates hadn’t even
been revoked, they were only suspended, meaning they
could be reimposed at any time, something that is starting to feel
more and more likely.
Obviously I wasn’t just
going to accept this absurd and unjust decision. I immediately started
working with my legal team on an appeal which is finally being heard
in Ottawa on October 11th.
But I can’t do this alone.
I need your help. There are 2 things you can do to help
I know we are on
the right side of history, and I will take this case all the way to
the Supreme Court if I have to!
We need to
make sure restrictions like this are never reimposed.
Yours in
P.S.: If you have trouble finding where
you can donate, you can just click this link!