Let Them Tremble

Order your copy today

Dear John,

In fall 1957, the distinguished African American intellectual, scholar, and Communist Party USA leader W. Alphaeus Hunton wrote to colleagues, co-workers, and friends about the recent publishing of his book Decision In Africa: Sources of Current Conflict.

In its review, the Pittsburgh Courier noted that Hunton painted “a sorry picture of a continent [Africa] being systematically and ruthlessly robbed . . . it is difficult if not impossible to controvert Mr. Hunton’s thesis,” the paper concluded.

Though Hunton acknowledged that he could not “afford any large-scale advertising” and that he did not expect the book to “hit the best-sellers list,” he was “convinced that quite a sizable audience” existed and can be reached if colleagues and comrades “personally assume responsibility” for promoting it.  

We're writing you today with a similar request.

We still have to struggle to promote, popularize, and disseminate our thinking and analysis, especially when it comes to the history of our organization, the Communist Party, USA.

Recently, a new collection of CPUSA biographies celebrating our 100th Anniversary was published by International Publishers—Let Them Tremble: Biographical Interventions Marking 100 Years of the Communist Party, USA, by Tony Pecinovsky.

Here is a link to a recent interview about the book in the People’s World.

As you may know, September 2019 through September 2020 marks the 100th Anniversary of the birth of the CPUSA.

In celebration Party events were held in New York, Chicago, and L.A. last year, while comrades spoke at colleges and universities across the country. A panel was even organized at the annual Organization of American Historians 2019 Conference.

However, the celebration isn’t over.

We are encouraging Districts and Clubs to order copies of Let Them Tremble directly from International Publishers. Here is the link

We hope you will organize book talks and speaking engagements, too. Local universities, bookstores, coffee shops, and libraries are perfect places to discuss the history of the CPUSA and engage activists, union members, community leaders, and students.

Tony is available for travel and is eager to share his knowledge of our Party’s history. Contact him at [email protected] to arrange a speaking engagement.

Sixty-three years ago, during the dark days of McCarthyism, W. Alphaeus Hunton appealed to his colleagues, co-workers, and comrades.

We're appealing to you today. We hope you’ll order Let Them Tremble and contact Tony.

Rossana Cambron and Joe Sims

Co-Chairs, CPUSA

Communist Party USA
235 W. 23rd Street, 7th floor
New York, NY 10011
(Visits by appointment only)
Tel : 212-989-4994
Fax :212-229-1713
Email :
[email protected]

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