
FIRST: We released a hard-hitting ad featuring audio of Obama talking about plantation politics and the trampling of African American rights...while overlaying examples of Joe Biden's record of trampling African American rights.
NEXT: CNN's Jake Tapper, The Washington Post, and the rest of the liberal #FakeNews began calling that ad dishonest, disinformation, and a fabrication.
THEN: Barack Obama and his lawyers took offense to the TRUTH and sent us a cease and desist ⬇︎⬇︎⬇︎.
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NOW: I need to hear from you right away. Should CDP comply with Obama's demands or stand up to Obama and tell American voters the truth about Joe Biden?

Should CDP comply with Obama's demands or stand up to Obama and tell American voters the truth about Joe Biden?

Defy Obama & fight for truth →

Surrender to Obama →

I'm not sure yet →

Please respond as soon as possible.

John —

It was President Trumpnot Barack Obama and Joe Bidenwho lowered black unemployment and created jobs for the African-American community. It was President Trump who passed criminal justice reform.

Joe Biden is simply giving lip-service for votes when his record shows he's already taken the opposite side.

That's the real point President Obama made in his book, and we have every right to use his picture and his own words — in his own voice — in the political forum.

Despite being pals, Barack Obama won't even endorse Joe Biden. WHY? Because Joe Biden's record is one of trying to keep the African-American community on a virtual plantation.

Need more? The headlines are piling up!

CNN's Jake Tapper (@jaketapper 02/26): 'Really stunningly dishonest'

The Washington Post (2/26): Obama demands South Carolina TV stations pull misleading ad attacking Biden

CNN (2/27): Obama sends cease-and-desist letter to Republican super PAC over Biden ad

Politico (2/27): Obama to TV stations: Take down misleading Biden attack ad

So, I need to know: Will you stand with me and CDP against their ugly attacks?

Thank you for your immediate participation.

Ted Harvey
Chairman, Committee to Defend the President

Mission Statement
Paid for by the Committee to Defend The President. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.


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