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Improving Learning Outcomes: Lessons from Rigorous Evidence

Global efforts are underway to improve education quality—to ensure children are not only in school but learning and developing to their full potential. Although many theories exist on the best approaches to improve education quality, policymakers and implementers need evidence on which programs are effective at helping children actually learn while in school. This brief summarizes and provides key lessons from multiple meta-analyses and over two dozen randomized evaluations (both IPA and non-IPA studies) on improving learning outcomes in low-income countries, with a focus on basic education.

Read the full brief on Improving Learning Outcomes.


IPA Launches $5.4 Million Initiative to Protect Digital Finance Users

By Rafe Mazer

IPA's Financial Inclusion Program has launched the first ever impact evaluation fund for consumer protection work in emerging markets, thanks to generous support from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The initiative will support research to drive better consumer protection measures in digital finance, particularly in areas such as fraud, complaints handling, product information, and consumer choice. In this post, project director Rafe Mazer explains why this initiative is needed and how it will generate important insights to help consumers and providers of digital finance around the globe.

Read the full blog post on the digital consumer protection initiative.


Do "Superstar" Businesses Drive Economic Growth? A Comparison Between the U.S. and Colombia

Researchers: Marcela Eslava, John Haltiwanger, Alvaro Pinzón

Startups in developing countries tend to grow more slowly on average than those in high-income countries, but the reasons why are not well understood. Researchers analyzed data on all manufacturers with more than 10 employees in Colombia and the U.S. over a period of 30 years to compare employment growth among manufacturers in each country. Results suggest that this average pattern is explained by differences in the tails of the distributions: slower growth over the lifecycles of businesses in Colombia than in the U.S. is driven by a smaller contribution among plants with extraordinary growth and a higher likelihood of young underperforming plants remaining active. The youngest cohorts of firms explain the bulk of employment growth in the medium term. These findings suggest that less dynamic high-growth entrepreneurship plays a role in the disparity in economic development between Colombia and the U.S.

Read the full summary here and the working paper here.


African Business
CNN Interviews Esther Duflo on Nobel Win and the Fight Against Poverty

IPA's Rafe Mazer in African Business Magazine on Digital Finance in Kenya



IPA Philippines to Co-Host Three Workshops on Impact Evaluations
March 3-5 | Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea

IPA to Present at Workshop on Partnerships for Impact Evaluations of Youth Employment Projects in the Sahel
March 3-5 | Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire

IPA Kenya to Host Four Workshops on Results of Study on Novartis Access Program
March 10-13 | Nyeri, Kakamega, Narok, and Kwale counties, Kenya

IPA Myanmar to Co-Organize Workshop on Environmental and Natural Resource Economics
March 10-14 | Yangon, Myanmar

IPA to Present at Impact Evaluation Training & Matchmaking Workshop in Ghana
March 24-27 | Accra, Ghana


IPA Myanmar Presents on Maternal Cash Transfer Study at Stakeholder Workshop
February 19 | Yangon, Myanmar

IPA Peru Co-Hosts Dissemination Event on Scaling Financial Education through Technology
February 18 | Lima, Peru

IPA Executive Director Annie Duflo Featured at Yale Philanthropy Conference
February 14 | New Haven, CT, United States

IPA Presents on Midline Results of Nutrition in Burkina Faso at the European Union
February 12 | Brussels, Belgium

IPA Philippines Presents at Two Forums on K-12 Education Curriculum
January 29 - February 6 | Manila, Philippines

IPA Co-Hosts First Forum for the Design of Public Policies Based on Evidence
February 4 | Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic

IPA Peru Presents on Results of Gender-Based Violence Study
January 30 - February 1 | Armayari and Lima, Peru

IPA Webcast: The Skills We Really Need: The Impacts of The Educate! Experience, a Skills-Based Education Program for Secondary School Students in Uganda
January 16 | Webinar, United States

IPA Peru Presents on Effective Approaches to Improve Financial Inclusion in Vulnerable Groups
January 15 | Lima, Peru

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