Statement on COVID-19 Vaccine AuthorizationOn Monday, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced approval and authorization of updated COVID-19 vaccines formulated to more closely target the COVID-19 variants circulating nationally. Yesterday, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued formal?vaccine recommendations. Minnesota Commissioner of Health Dr. Brooke Cunningham released the following statement: ?Getting vaccinated against COVID-19 remains one of the best tools in our toolbox to fight COVID-19 and keep Minnesotans safe. The newly authorized, updated vaccines are an even more effective tool, targeting the variants we know are in our communities right now. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices has made recommendations on the updated vaccines, and the CDC has reviewed those recommendations. Following these recommendations, eligible Minnesotans should contact their doctors or local pharmacists to schedule an appointment. I would also encourage Minnesotans to make sure their entire family is up to date on their vaccinations so they are well-protected heading into this fall and winter. The end of the federal public health emergency last spring brought us into a new phase of our response to COVID-19 and means fewer public resources are available nationally and in Minnesota. We will continue to use those resources to ensure that we provide those at high risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes as much assistance in protecting themselves as possible and that we address continuing disparities in COVID-related health outcomes for vulnerable populations.? These new vaccines are approved by the FDA for all people 6 months of age or older.
These are the first COVID-19 vaccines to be commercialized, which means that there may be costs associated with receiving them. Speak with your health insurer about your coverage before scheduling an appointment in order to avoid a surprise bill. For those without health insurance, consider reaching out to one of the following for free or low-cost vaccine options:
In addition to staying up to date on COVID-19 vaccinations, MDH recommends that people test for COVID-19 when they have symptoms suggestive of COVID-19 or 5 full days after a known exposure to someone with COVID-19. If you have symptoms of COVID-19 or test positive, stay home and isolate from others as much as possible to avoid spreading the virus on to others around you. For information on COVID-19 testing see:?COVID-19 Testing. For more information, contact: