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Wednesday, September 13th, 2023


The Government Slaughter in Lahaina: Maui Revisited!

Gary D. Barnett

Elon Musk, The ADL, and Why the War for Speech Is Heating Up

Tom Luongo

Death by a Thousand Cuts: The Many Ways Our Rights Have Been Usurped Since 9/11

John & Nisha Whitehead

Yes, Big Media, JFK and RFK Were the Victims of CIA Plots

David Talbot

The Mills of the Gods

James Howard Kunstler

Covid Jab Spike Protein Remains Six Months After Jab

Dr. Joseph Mercola

Chance Encounters as the Walls Close in

Edward Curtin

We’re Living on Borrowed Time! (Interview)

Peter Schiff

The Empire Strikes Back

Paul Gottfried

Flash Mob Robberies Are Not ‘Just Kids from Social Media.’ They’re Organized Crime.

Daisy Luther

JFK Is Easy, Now Do TWA Flight 800

Jack Cashill

New Poisonous Jabs Are Not FDA Approved, Enjoy!

Ben Armstrong

Political Theatre

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