Dear Friend,
In the middle of a cost of living crisis, David Parker and
Chris Hipkins want to lock in enormous hikes to fuel
Already, taxes account for half the cost at the pump. Labour
and the Greens want that to go even higher!
Chris Hipkins and David Parker have announced that they
intend to hike fuel taxes by 12 cents/litre (14 cents including GST)
if they are in Government after the election, which will pile even
more costs onto families who are already struggling.
Friend, we’re
aware of some very detailed focus group work that shows that Labour’s
Achilles heel is fuel taxes – especially for those voters who are
still undecided.
Labour will know this too. That means Chris Hipkins is vulnerable
to give in to political pressure if we successfully highlight his
proposed fuel tax hikes.
We demonstrated this last year when, in the space of a couple of
weeks, we converted Jacinda Ardern from being the Prime Minister whose
'nuclear-free moment' was climate change to the Prime Minister who
delivered the largest ever cut to fuel taxes.
So rather than sit by, let’s do something about Labour’s
Friend, will you hold Chris Hipkins to account by erecting
one of our 'Fuel Tax Accountability Boards'?

Alternatively, if you run into Labour (or Green Party)
candidates, what better to hold next to them than one of these
coreflute signs highlighting their policy!
We've had a
generous supporter underwrite up to 300 of these "👈
wants to hike fuel taxes" core flute signs. All we are asking
for is the courier fee for us to send you a set of
Friend, thanks to this particularly generous supporter, we
are able to give these away! All we need is the courier fee and 20
minutes of your time to find the perfect spot for the sign.
So let's have some fun and spread the word! Order
your free set of three signs here (pay for just the courier) and we'll
get them to you ASAP.
Thank you for your support.
Williams Executive Director New Zealand Taxpayers’
ps. Interestingly, the research work referred to above suggests
that National’s weakness for undecided voters is still around
leadership. Presumably, that is why Labour’s left-wing union mates are
going so nasty and personal on Mr Luxon. We need to hold Labour to
account and raise awareness about these tax hikes so they will
have no choice but to drop the policy or start shedding
pps. If you can't put up a sign, but would like to sponsor one
or more for someone else click
here to make a donation so we can print more (they cost $10
each to print).