I just saw the news that Kevin McCarthy has given into MAGA extremists and is opening up an impeachment inquiry against President Biden.
I’ll let the legal analysts tell you why this is absurd (because it is). But I want to explain to you why this is happening right now.
Congress just got back to D.C. after August recess. Kevin McCarthy had all summer to figure out how to stand up to the GOP extremists who are threatening to shut down the government. He got nowhere and now has NO PLAN on how to keep our government open and working. It’s genuinely insane.
So, instead of talking about how the government is going to shut down in 11 legislative days because of GOP extremists, McCarthy holds a press conference announcing he’s opening up an impeachment inquiry.
See what he’s doing? He’s holding a shiny object out to the press hoping they change the story (and giving extremists more of what they want). It’s working and it’s going to cause chaos in Washington.
Congress has serious work to do, starting with keeping the government open for business! And yet, opening this inquiry just fans the flames of partisanship and makes it even less likely Congress does anything substantive.
Look, I’m not surprised we ended up here. In fact, I predicted this right when McCarthy won the gavel.
What I also know is that our government will not be able to function while extremist Republicans control the House of Representatives.
So, if you are as frustrated as I am today, I hope you’ll chip in to help make sure we take back the House next year. Here is my link:
We’ll get through this, but it’s going to be a struggle.