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This is urgent, Team:

Earlier this year, GOP megadonors spent millions in an attempt to elect their preferred justice to Wisconsin’s state supreme court.
Wisconsinites showed up in record numbers to elect Justice Janet Protasiewicz by a commanding margin.
But Now:
Extreme MAGA Republicans in Wisconsin’s gerrymandered state legislature are working to impeach Justice Protasiewicz – before she’s even had the chance to decide a single case!

The NDRC is fighting nationwide to defeat GOP extremists who seek to subvert our elections. Will you rush an urgent donation now to support our work? >>


In the coming months, the Wisconsin Supreme Court is expected to hear important cases that will impact the future of voting rights, reproductive freedom, fair maps, and more.

But Wisconsin Republicans are willing to do whatever it takes to help their extreme agenda prevail – even if it means undermining our democracy.

Wisconsin’s legislature is gerrymandered to ensure that Democrats will never win it. Republicans have a plan to keep it that way.

“Last April, Justice Janet Protasiewicz won a landslide election victory over a former, very conservative state justice. . . . A quirk in the state constitution, however, may allow Wisconsin’s gerrymandered legislature to strip Protasiewicz of her ability to decide cases, and to do so indefinitely.

That would leave the state supreme court . . . unable (or, at least, unwilling) to strike down the state’s gerrymander.”

Fight back!

A.G. Holder warned that:

"Republicans are making it clear that they will do whatever it takes – even if it means eroding our federalist system as we know it – to circumvent the will of the people so they can lock in their own power."

He’s absolutely right!

That’s why the NDRC is fighting across the country to prevent GOP efforts to undermine our elections through tactics like gerrymandering and voter suppression. Will you pitch in right now to help us continue this democracy-saving work?

– The NDRC