What's Happening at BPC's Immigration Project
This month’s newsletter highlights our brief on the Democratic candidates’ immigration policy platforms, our latest podcast episodes, and recent press highlights. If you have any questions or want more info, email [email protected].
Theresa Cardinal Brown Presents at the Wisconsin Institute for Public Policy and Service
On February 10, Theresa Cardinal Brown examined the recent history of immigration policy in the United States and how we got to where we are now as a country. She spoke alongside Brett Barker, Ph.D., who is a professor of history at University of Wisconsin – Stevens Point at Wausau. Watch the recorded presentation here.
Over the last year, Democratic presidential candidates have made immigration an important part of their platforms, with six candidates putting out detailed plans that list their priorities. This info brief analyzes the platforms of those candidates who have released public immigration plans as of the date of this writing.
A merit-based immigration system, like those in Canada and Australia, continues to be one of the main proposals pushed for by the Trump administration. In this week’s episode, we take a look back at a 2018 conversation between BPC regular Theresa Cardinal Brown, representatives from the Australian and Canadian governments, Michael Willard and André Valotaire respectively, as well as Daniel Griswold from the Mercatus Center.
In this week’s episode, special guest Dr. Anand Parekh, BPC’s chief medical advisor, joins Host Jordan LaPier and BPC regulars Theresa Cardinal Brown and Cris Ramón as they discuss travel restrictions from the coronavirus and give a public health and immigration perspective on how the U.S. should respond.
Click HERE for previous podcast episodes.
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