Paid for by Arizona Democrats

The situation: Right now Republicans hold a majority in both chambers of our state legislature. 

Why this matters: The GOP has shown their inability to lead and has spent most of this year working in opposition to Governor Hobbs, all to satisfy their extremist agenda of attacking the LGBTQ community and stoking election denialism.

Our job: Pretty straightforward — Flip in the legislature blue in 2024. 

The ask: Our contributions have taken a dip over the last few days, and we could use a boost to meet this month’s $20,000 goal. That’s why we’re reaching out to ask:

Can we count on you to pitch in $15 or more right now ($1 for every county!) to help us flip the legislature blue next November?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will go through immediately:

Our thanks: We honestly can’t do this without your support. On average, people are pitching in just under $18 to power this movement (no joke!). We aren’t fueled by faceless mega donors with an agenda — we’re powered by hard-working people who are chipping in what they can to support a more equitable Arizona for all of us.

— Team Blue Arizona