Dear John,
The battle to protect parental rights in public schools continues to heat up, even in the heart of California.
At 12:40 a.m. local time last Thursday morning the board of trustees of the Rocklin Unified School District outside of Sacramento voted to adopt a policy requiring parental notification if a child wants to identify as the opposite sex. As The Washington Stand reported, the school trustees stated, "We trust our parents to know what is best for their children."
The policy was met with cheers from parents in the room. And based on the responses from FRC followers to a recent survey, I'm sure many more across the nation are applauding the decision.
Over the last few weeks, thousands of concerned Americans like you have taken the time to take our Protect Students Survey to share their thoughts on how the LGBT agenda in schools is affecting our children and grandchildren.
So far, more than 4,000 have taken the time to respond -- thank you!
Of those who responded, about 55% have children or grandchildren in public school, another 14% are in private school, and only 9% are homeschooled.
Given that hardly a week goes by without another news story breaking of LGBT material being presented in school to impressionable youth and very young children, respondents confirmed that 25% of them had personally encountered this type of material in their children/grandchildren's curriculum.
A whopping 97% of respondents agree that the promotion of LGBT ideology is having a negative affect on the academic performance of schoolchildren and that school officials should never hide a child's questions about their own gender identity from the parents.
Regarding the school curriculum, 99% agree that parents should be allowed to opt their children out from LGBT ideology material. Instead, they believe that biblical materials should be included in the curriculum, with 50% believing it should be optional and 48% believing it should be required.
Despite having strong opinions on the curriculum, only 12% of respondents have attended a local school board meeting. And only 4% of those spoke up in the meeting.
To get more tools and information on how you can get involved in ensuring our children receive education, not indoctrination, be sure to join us for the Pray Vote Stand Summit starting this Friday, September 15, here in Washington, D.C.
Register now to join us in person or mark your calendar to watch the broadcast live starting Friday morning at 9:00 a.m. ET.
You'll hear from national leaders as well as individuals like Sonja Shaw, president of the Chino Valley Board of Education in California and Ryan Walters, the Oklahoma State School Superintendent who are standing up for parents and students in their local communities.
Thank you for joining with Family Research Council to protect America's students. Together, we can make a lasting difference in the lives of the next generation and the future of our nation.
For America,

William G. Boykin Lt. Gen. (R) US Army Executive Vice President